
Latest Innovations

Ripple: Communicating through Physical Vibration


A novel technique for data transmission that uses vibration motors in all cell phones as transmitters and accelerometers as receivers. By carefully regulating the...

Network Driven, Packet Context Aware Power Management for Client-Server Architecture (NCAP)

Dr. Nam Sung Kim has developed a protocol to vastly improve energy savings in low to medium load server environments.

The protocol works entirely on the Network...

iSwitch Computing

This technology reduces latency bottlenecks in data center network communication by shifting aggregation processes to programmable switches. iSwitch is particularly...

Improved Ransomware Protection with the Ransomware-aware Solid-State Drive

Dr. Huang has developed RSSD, a ransomware-aware solid-state drive. This solid-state drive has been meticulously designed and tested to withstand 3 new types of ransomware...