Crops and Germplasms

Latest Innovations

A Method to Increase Production Rates and Biomass in C4 Plants


Dr. Stephen Long and a team of researchers have developed a line transgenic sugarcane that is more productive than its non-transgenic counterpart. It is...

2, 4-D Broadleaf-herbicide Resistant Transgenic Chancellor Grape


In regions that traditionally support cereal crops, penetration of the viticulture industry has been difficult because of widespread use of 2,4-D broadleaf-weed...

Methods for Producing Fertile Crosses Between Wild and Domestic Soybean Species


Soybean crop is susceptible to a variety of threats including soybean cyst nematode (SCN), soybean rust, bean pod mottle virus (BPMV) and aphids. SCN is currently...

Expedited Test for Bt resistance in Western Corn Rootworm


Researchers from the University of IL have developed a quick test to test for Bt resistance in Western Corn Rootworm (WCR) that can be carried out on adult WCRs...

A Replacement for the Current Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN) Type Test.


Researchers from the University of Illinois have developed a method of testing soil Soybean Cyst Nematode populations for virulence that can be performed in a...

Genetic Marker to Measure Copy Number of Soybean Cyst Nematode Resistance Gene


Dr. Matthew Hudson from the University of IL has developed a way of measuring the number of copies in the genome of a soybean plant for the soybean cyst nematode...

Soybean Aphid Resistant Gene


Researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and United States Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS) have...

Corn Aleurone Oil and Other Unique products from Corn Aleurone Cells


A method for preparing corn fiber oil. The method involves separating corn fiber from corn kernels (e.g., by a wet milling process), drying the corn fiber,...

Improved Raman Spectroscopic Analysis for Grain Composition


Grain breeders and dealers rely heavily on the compositional properties of many different types of grain, including: soybeans, corn, rice, and wheat etc. The most...

Spinach X-Chromosome Marker 

Dr. Wadlington from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has developed a novel marker for the X-chromosome of spinach. This marker allows identification of YY...
