Synthesis and Analysis

Latest Innovations

Predictive, Selective Oxidation of C-H Bonds in Complex Systems


Professor M. Cristina White has developed iron-based small molecule catalysts which, in conjunction with hydrogen peroxide, can selectively oxidize aliphatic C-H...

Designer Estrogens with Decreased Cancer Risk



Dr. John Katzenellenbogen from the University of Illinois has designed Pathway preferential estrogens (PaPEs) that are novel synthetic compounds that...

Chemoselective Methylene Hydroxylation in Aromatic Molecules

Dr. White from the University of IL has developed a small molecule catalyst which enables the chemoselective methylene hydroxylation in aromatic systems. This...

Extrapolative Prediction of Enantioselectivity Enabled by Computer-Driven Workflow, New Molecule Representations and Machine Learning

Dr. Denmark from the University of IL has developed a computer-assisted workflow for catalyst design and reaction outcome prediction. This...