
Latest Innovations

A Simple Ultra-Stable Stage with Built-in Fiduciary Markers for Fluorescence Nanoscopy


An improved microscope stage mount with built-in fiduciary markers is used for fluorescence microscopy, and comprises: (a) an optically-transparent glass plate...

Optical Parametric Amplification of Weak Signals for Imaging Biological Tissue


Researchers at the University of Illinois have developed a method of applying optical parametric amplification technology to enhance ultrweak signals from...

Coherently Scattering Probes for Super-Resolved Mapping


Researchers at the University of Illinois have developed coherently scattering probes to allow imaging of intracellular structures at nanometer spatial resolution...

EAGER: Single Quantum Dots via 2 Photon Excitation


This invention uses established two-photon microscopy techniques in combination with quantum-dots. Additionally, a spatial light modulator (or hologram) is used to...

Spectro-Electrochemical Cell used for Ultrafast Spectroscopy



Professor Dana Dlott and Natalia Garcia Rey have designed a spectra-electrochemical cell that is user and environmental friendly. The material used is...

Photonic Resonator Outcoupler Microscopy (PROM)


Tuning of Photonic Nanojets for Enhanced Super Resolution Microscopy

This technology is a novel asymmetrical microstructure capable of generating tunable photonic nanojets (PNJ) allowing super-resolution microscopy. The...

Micropatterned Coverslip for Fluorescence Microscopy

Dr. Paul Selvin from the University of IL has developed a streamlined process for creating coverslips with built-in, nanoscale fiduciary...

A New Confocal Microscope

Dr. Kimani Toussaint and Mr. Chukwuemeka Okoro have developed a Second-harmonic Patterned Polarization-Analyzed Reflection Confocal (SPPARC) microscopy technique combining...

Nanometer-scale Optical Microscopy Resolution Standard

Dr. Zhao has developed a new resolution standard for super-resolution microscopes.  Dr. Zhao’s invention allows for resolution to be tested in an environment that...
