Dr. Zhang from the University of Illinois has invented a generalizable optogenetic system for post-translational knock-in of a target protein, GLIMPSe. GLIMPSe offers bidirectional control over post-translational protein activity with high spatiotemporal resolution. GLIMPSe works by fusing the target protein with a protease recognition site (tevS), a photosensitive caging molecule (eLOV), and three degradation sequences. GLIMPSe also involves connecting TEV protease with LEXY, a light-sensitive nuclear export signal molecule.
When there is no light exposure, degradation sequences tag the target protein for degradation. When there is light exposure, the nuclear export signal on LEXY is exposed, allowing TES to be exported from the nucleus. Also, upon exposure to light, tevS is exposed by eLOV, allowing TEV to cleave the degradation sequence from the complex, stabilizing the target protein.
Primary Application: Optogenetic neuroscience research
Benefit: Provides bi-directional control of protein dynamics with high spatiotemporal resolution